Carrots are usually orange and long. However, they also come in purple, yellow or red. There are over 100 different types of carrots. Carrot farmer Ernst Röhrs from Steyerberg in Lower Saxony concentrates in particular on the most eaten, most loved fruit, the orange one. They are all healthy and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Ernst Röhrs knows this and also believes in the economic success for which he had a new production hall built for several million euros. But: the summer of 2021 is too cold and too wet. For this reason, there could be fewer carrots. A smaller harvest would not be good for Helmut Rüter from Eimke either. Rüter wants to produce organic juice from organic carrots in his cider mill. Traditionally, like in the old days. Without additives. The carrot juice should taste particularly sweet, otherwise it won't sell so well. And nutritional therapist Annette Blikslager also uses the green parts of the carrots for delicious smoothies and pesto. The nutritionist even gives carrot cooking courses in her Glücksküche in Burgdorf. The Nordreportage https://www.ndr.de/dienordreportage Hofgeschichten https://www.ndr.de/hofgeschichten The Nordstory https://www.ndr.de/dienordstory ___________________________________________________ Our guidelines for comments: https://www.ndr.de/service/technische... #ndr #ndraufmland #dienordreportage