The existence of a new chamber on the north face of the Great Pyramid has recently been revealed. The monument has captivated us for generations. In this talk, Nacho Ares spoke to us about the latest findings and how radar studies have been developed to search for new chambers. Already in 2016, measurements had given sufficient reason to assume the existence of a hidden hollow space near the Chevron blocks (a heraldic symbol shaped like a compass above the entrance). Only a few months ago, scientists from the Technical University of Munich managed to confirm the discovery of a secret chamber thanks to the use of ultrasound and endoscopy. An important contribution to Egyptology. Speaker: Nacho Ares. Historian, writer, Egyptologist and director of the SER HISTORIA program of the Cadena Ser. Facebook: / ateneovalencia Twitter: / ateneovalencia Linkedin: / mycompany Instagram: / ateneovalencia Youtube: / ateneomercantildevalencia Web: https://www.ateneovalencia.es/ EMail: [email protected] #AncientEgypt #GreatPyramid #SecretChambers #NachoAres #Guiza #Cairo #SerHistoria #Conference #AncientEgyptCycle #Egypt #Egyptology #History #historyofEgypt #Egyptology #CadenaSer #Chevronblocks #secretchamber #space #studies #discovery #discoveries #newchamber #pyramidofKeops #radar #ultrasonics #TechnicalUniversityofMunich