Heteroidentification is the process by which third parties (usually a committee or group of evaluators) identify a person's color or race. This procedure is used in various contexts, including public examinations, to verify the veracity of candidates' racial self-declarations. Why is heteroidentification used in public examinations? Heteroidentification is implemented in public examinations mainly for two reasons: 1. *Combating Fraud*: With the increase in the implementation of affirmative action policies, such as racial quotas, in public examinations, there has been a need to verify whether candidates who self-declare as belonging to a certain racial group actually fit the racial profile that the policies aim to benefit. Heteroidentification helps to ensure that reserved vacancies are filled by those who truly fit into the established categories, preventing fraud where candidates falsely declare themselves to obtain advantages. 2. *Promoting Justice and Equity*: Quota policies and other affirmative measures aim to correct historical inequalities and promote the inclusion of racially marginalized groups. Heteroidentification ensures that policies are effective and reach the people who actually face the discrimination and disadvantages that these policies seek to mitigate. Although heteroidentification is a useful tool, it is not without controversy. Some of the main issues include: *Subjectivity*: Racial identification can be subjective, varying according to the perception of evaluators. This can lead to inconsistencies in the results. *Discomfort and Embarrassment*: The process can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for candidates, who may feel judged by their physical appearance. *Debate on Identity*: Heteroidentification raises questions about the definition of racial identity and the autonomy of individuals to self-declare. In short, heteroidentification is a mechanism used to ensure the correct application of affirmative action policies in public examinations, guaranteeing that vacancies intended for people of certain races are filled by those who truly belong to these groups, according to the established phenotypic criteria. ✅ Talk to Dr. Igor to clarify your doubts: Whats ..... https://wa.me/556194266868 Phone ....... (61) 9426-6868 Website ......... https://olivaesouza.com.br/