Splatoon 3 Hero Mode! We're looking forward to future developments! ▼Splatoon 3 Playlist • Splatoon 3 ▼Splatoon 3 Hero Mode Playlist • Splatoon 3 Hero Mode ☆Okarin Splatoon Clip Channel has been opened! Splatoon 3 clips will also be uploaded! → / @OkarinClipsSplatoon ▽Click here for the official Okarin 5th Anniversary merchandise sales page! There are also kids' sizes, so please take a look! https://muuu.com/collections/5889-6703 ▽Okarin's official LINE account is now available! https://lin.ee/PfSX5kb ▽Click here for Okarin's original Line stamps! https://line.me/S/sticker/12991155 ▽Twitter / okarin4788 ----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---- ▽Okarin's recommended game commentary playlists ◆ "Splatoon 2" • Splatoon 2 ◆ "Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion" • Octo Expansion series ----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ ◆Top 3 video views in 2021 No. 1 If you place it behind the Atka mackerel squirrel area, no one will notice! Sprinkler hide-and-seek! [Splatoon 2 Hide-and-seek] • If you place it behind the Atka mackerel squirrel area, no one will notice! Sprinkler hide-and-seek! [... No. 2 It was too funny when I tried hiding using the back world bug in the Boxfish Warehouse lol [Splatoon 2 Hide-and-seek] • It was too funny when I tried hiding using the back world bug in the Boxfish Warehouse lol [Splatoon 2 Hide-and-seek] 3rd place This summer, run as hard as you can with Pablo! Roller Red Carpet! [Splatoon 2] • This summer, run as hard as you can with Pablo! Roller Red Carpet! [Splatoon 2] ----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---- ◆Sponsors (now members) here! / @okaringames ----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ *Currently, we are suspending the service to receive gifts, fan letters, and other mail items. There is an address in a past video, but please note that if you send it to me, it will not reach me! ! #Splatoon3 #HeroMode #Splatoon3