Dr. Mattia Bruzzo graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2005 at the University of Genoa, where in 2010 he specialized with honors in Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology. Since that same 2010 he has been a Neurosurgeon Medical Director at the Galliera Hospital in Genoa, while since February 2020 he has been appointed Acting Director of the Complex Neurosurgery Structure of the same hospital, where he has performed more than three thousand surgical interventions. In addition, the specialist boasts participation in numerous theoretical and practical courses held in Italy and abroad, particularly focused on Spinal Surgery, both as an auditor/participant and as a teacher. "The neurosurgeon deals with nervous tissue: his activities start from the study of the brain and spinal cord" explains Dr. Bruzzo. "In this case, it is during the specialization school that the Surgeon decides whether to specialize more towards the study of the encephalon or spinal surgery. I, for example, experienced an early love affair with spinal surgery already as a student". Visit our website: https://bit.ly/3kBLmjE Visit our Facebook page: https://bit.ly/2VZBbuS Visit our Instagram page: https://bit.ly/3rlRIol Visit our LinkedIn page: https://bit.ly/36QOuQt