Trigger warning: We warn you about the occurrence of sensitive topics in this text and in the video. If such content disturbs and traumatizes you, we do not recommend continuing to read or watch. In the next episode of the Hlubiny program, which is dedicated to the stories of ordinary people, we present Eva. She spent ten years in the AllatRa religious sect after being introduced to the community by her best friend. "I thought that this wouldn't happen to me, that I wouldn't fall in and get lured into any sect. But it can happen to absolutely anyone, it creeps up and if someone you love and trust pulls you in, it's easy," he explains. ???? Listen to Hlubiny also as a podcast: ???? https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh... Editor and presenter: Anna Koucká / anna.koucka Camera: David / davidkeyns Follow us on the website: https://news. refresher.cz/ Follow us on Instagram: / refreshercz Follow us on Facebook: / refreshercz REFRESHER news - news of the modern generation #refreshercz #hlubiny #příběh #eva