???? In this video: Video, picture and song of the dunnock Name: dunnock Family: Sparrows Characteristic features/appearance: Stocky passerine bird, brown-grey in color. Upper side similar to the sparrow, brown with dark brown stripes, but the dunnock's beak is narrower in comparison. The top of the head and underside of the body are ash grey and very lightly striped with red. Legs reddish. Size: 13-15 cm Weight: 18-20 g Age: 11 years Females: The sexes look almost the same. However, the males have slightly more grey coloring on their heads and throats than the females. Song/calls: The song is usually performed from the top of a bush or tree. The dunnock's song is not particularly loud and consists of a series of twittering sounds like "switüli switüli swoliswoliti". Unobtrusive call, soft sounding "tihihihihi", loud whistling "tih" when threatened or excited. Breeding period: March to July, 3 broods per year, 11-14 day breeding period. Nest: Well hidden in dense bushes or low in conifers. Clutch size: 4-7 eggs. Food: Insects, which it usually collects from the ground, and in winter also oats and other seeds. Habitat: Dense bushes and hedges in gardens and parks, in forests with conifers, in dense undergrowth and bushes in clearings. Natural enemies: Cats, squirrels, martens, sparrowhawks, magpies, jays. Migratory behavior: resident bird and short-distance migrant Endangered: currently not endangered Source: Pixabay, Pexels, Adobe Stock, Kosmos bird guide, Xeno-Canto, Wikipedia ...and here is my blog: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.d... Facebook: Federchens Gartenglück Instagram: federchens_gartenglueck COME OUT WITH US TO ARRIVE IN YOURSELF! You can find further information here: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.de #darksparrow #birdportrait #birdprofile #birdsonghike #naturecoaching #forestbathing #garden #closetonature #biodiversity #bees #insects #environmentalprotection #nestingaids #naturespirituality #ornithology #ornithology #forestwalk #forestfriends #loveofforest #experienceofnature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #forestbathing #insectdiversity #theklabudniok #federchensgartenglueck #experienceofnature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #forestbathing #insectdiversity #theklabudniok #federchensgartenglueck