Heart Sutra commentary Khai Toan Zen meditation The Heart Sutra was translated by Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty in 649 AD, at Tu An Pagoda. The entire sutra consists of 260 words. The Heart Sutra, fully called Ma-ha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, consists of a Sanskrit part transliterated as Ma-ha Prajna Paramita and a Chinese part called Heart Sutra #batnhatamkinh #PhapPhap Learning Buddhism is the highest enjoyment of life __________ #Meditation #KhaiToanThiendinh Khai Toan meditation - Khai Toan meditation Simple meditation instructions according to the methods 1) inhale and count 1, exhale and count 2, continue like that throughout the meditation session 2) inhale Amitabha, exhale Da Buddha, continue like that throughout the meditation session 3) find a (place, image...) to help the mind stay focused on 4) contemplate daily life, self-control and self-improvement __________ • Meditation https://khaitoanthiendinh.com • Background music: Carrot Juice • Youtube: / @khaitoanthiendinh __________ Meditation brings a lot of light