Video taken from the channel @tvdogaucho AWARD: 2ND PLACE Lyrics: Gujo Teixeira Music: Vitor Amorim and Kiko Goulart Performer: Quarteto Coração de Potro Guitar and Voice: Kiko Goulart Guitar and Voice: Vitor Amorim Guitar and Voice: Ick Antunes Guitarron: Maicon Granjero LYRICS: My toasted Sunset was born on a late afternoon the color of an orange cloud just as the day was getting dirty. “The color of sand from a poorly burned brick hose,” as Uncle Beto said when singing about the toasted fur... Shod on all fours, a rabicano and a white face, and a floodplain of setting sun leaning over its hip. It has a mane almost a palm long on its hooded neck and a scissor-like flight exchanging ears, still... Bagual, it's called by its name, as the old folks used to say - that you have to get used to it by making the drop a friend. Then, if you gain confidence, there is no side to approach, you do not deny the reins, sitting down, you do not even decide to buck... What a beautiful late afternoon on the back of this toasted horse!!! “Toasted does not deny fire” tamed well with patience, little pull, very skillful in this country experience. After a few gallops stretching out on the road, it is already asking for a brake at dawn. It is from these drops of “cross” print, the saddled square hitting the hoof on the stone chewing the bit, intoned! And also in an open field on the rein, showing the command to “cut” the trail very close to lassoing... And leaving it cinch! What a beautiful late afternoon on the back of this toasted horse!!! CLICK ON LEARN MORE --------------------------------------- Facebook: https://goo.gl/yVUKX4 Instagram: @quartetocoracaodepotro https://www.quartetocoracaodepotro.co...