REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA JUDICIAL BRANCH FOURTEENTH MUNICIPAL CRIMINAL COURT WITH GUARANTEE CONTROL FUNCTION OF CALI Prosecutor's Office: Prosecutor 120 Cali Defense Attorney: JUAN DAVID CASTILLO SÁNCHEZ Telephone: 3147671517 E-mail: [email protected] Crime: MANUFACTURE, TRAFFICKING AND CARRYING OF FIREARMS OR AMMUNITION, art. 365 of the CP, as author, by the governing verb to carry, intentional modality. 3. Precautionary Measure. The delegate of the Attorney General's Office of the Nation requests the Office to impose against the accused a preventive detention measure consisting of preventive detention in a detention facility. The Defense opposed the Prosecutor's request. It requests that no precautionary measure be imposed. In a subsidiary manner, the Court requests that a security measure other than preventive detention in a prison be imposed. The Court ordered the immediate release of the accused, as the Prosecutor's Office failed to demonstrate the urgency and need for the security measure. Likewise, through the Service Center of the Criminal Courts of Cali, the decision herein is communicated to the 6th Court for the Execution of Sentences and Security Measures of Cali. Once the decision was notified to the parties, NO APPEAL WAS FILED. For more information, you can contact me on the following social networks: 👇🏻 📲 💻 WhatsApp Bussines: http://bit.ly/JuanDavidCastilloWhatsApp 📲 Facebook: / 1022035108 👈🏼 Instagram: / abogado_penalista_cali 🤳🏻 Twitter: / juandavidc7 🐦 Twitch: juandavidcastillosanchez 📲 / juandavidcastil. . LinkedIn: / juan-david-castillo-sanchez-3301001ba Email: [email protected] 📧 Juan David Castillo Sanchez 🧔🏻 Lawyer Specialist in Criminal and Criminological Sciences Lawyer Specialist in Criminal Procedural Law Candidate for a Master's Degree in Human Rights Externado University of Colombia 🇨🇴