He worked as an employee until he was able to buy his own truck, today he does deliveries close to his family, video recorded in Vila Velha ES. Did you like the video ❤️ Thank you for the 👍like on the video Thank you for following ✌️ Follow me on Instagram daily content, questions and answers .. 👇👇⬇️⬇️ INSTAGRAM®️ https://www.instagram.com/mit_muricoc... =pt-br also follow the FACEBOOK page 👇👇👇✔️ exclusive content .. / mit-muri%c3%a7oca-553782875007011 And don't forget to follow our partners: Buy parts 👇🏻 https://www.comprepecasacabamentos.co... Elber refrigerator 👇🏻 https://conteudo.elber.ind.br/mit Fretebras👇🏻 https://fretebras.onelink.me/hyS0/mit