From the anime "The Apothecary Diaries," an interview with Aoi Yuki (role of Nekoneko) and Takeo Otsuka (role of Jinshi)! 0:12 What kind of reaction have you received from those around you? 0:45 What episode from the first season left a lasting impression on you? 1:23 Characters to look out for in the second season2:29 How has the relationship between Nekoneko and Jinshi changed? 3:30 What is the most difficult part of acting? 5:28 About the charm of Jinshi6:29 What do you get obsessed with? 7:07 What Yuki keeps in mind when promoting her idol8:00 A message to fans! ©︎Hinata Natsu, Imagica Infos/"The Apothecary Diaries" Production Committee#TheApothecaryDiaries #AoiYuki #OtsukaTakeo#Nekoneko #Jinshi