He Turns Away from Vain Things Servants of the Most Gracious 8 Halis Bayancuk Hoca (Abu Hanzala) The second attribute of the servants of the Most Gracious is that they turn away from things of the kind of laghw and do not show interest. However, this is not just any kind of turning away. It is a noble, honorable, valuable turning away, a noble indifference. The word laghw, which is the subject of the verse, has two meanings in terms of its root. The first is something that is not taken into consideration, something unimportant. The second is passionate attachment to something, the desire to do it/be with it constantly.[10] So, laghw, which the Quran warns the believers against, has two attributes: Everything that a person is passionately attached to even though it does not benefit him, and everything that he persistently continues to do even though it does not benefit him, is laghw. What supports this literal meaning in the commentaries transmitted from the predecessors is its different forms in reality. Tabari (rh) says: “The correct view in my opinion regarding these words said about laghw is to say: ‘Surely Allah has informed us about those believers whom He praised because when they saw laghw, they turned away and left, displaying the attitude of honorable people. Laghw in the Arabic language means any kind of false statement and action that has no basis or reality. Or, it is also laghw for a person to insult another person without any basis or reason, which is considered ugly. It is also laghw for a person to openly and unnecessarily mention sexual content in some place. It is laghw for the polytheists to glorify their gods, which is false and has no basis, and to revere them in the presence of their gods. Again, since listening to music is an ugly behavior in the eyes of religious people, this is also laghw. All of these that we have mentioned are evaluated within the scope of the meaning of laghw. When there is no text indicating that these narrations and opinions are only limited to these, there is no point in narrowing down the meaning by calling only one of them laghw, leaving some meanings out and only attributing this name to some.” (Tafsir al-Tabari, 19/315-316, commentary of the 72nd verse of the Furqan Surah) The words used in the verse remind us of two important truths: Laghw are useless things that create habits/passions in people. Everything that drags people along, arouses the desire to do something, but is of no benefit to people is laghw. However, knowledge and consciousness are needed to determine laghw. A person needs to ask the question, “What is the benefit of this to me?” to everything that happens in his life, and especially to question “things he is passionately attached to.” Another point that the verse reminds us of is the nature of the reaction to laghw. First of all, this reaction should be a noble, valuable, honorable and noble reaction. It should be an attitude that stems from a person being aware of the blessing of faith and monotheism and not attributing empty things to themselves. In fact, this expresses the believer's respect for himself. This is one of the basic purposes of Islamic morality: A believer feeling honored by his faith, avoiding lowly/worthless things and turning away from unimportant things with a faithful attitude! Behind the sensitivity that Almighty Allah wants against nonsense lies the awareness of time. A believer is aware that time is the capital of the test of life. Just as he is called to account for his prayers, fasting, alms, etc., he will also be called to account for how he spends his time. Time is too valuable to be wasted on empty things. When a person realizes the value of time, he will naturally feel a hatred for empty things. The interest and passion of most people for empty things is due to their lack of sensitivity to time and, accordingly, the filling of poorly scheduled time with empty things. It is so; if a person does not organize his own time, the distracting, empty and useless things of the period he lives in will fill all his time. I'm sorry, I'm sorry “They do not act deaf and blind when they are reminded of the verses of their Lord. (They listen attentively and try to understand.)” (25/Furqan, 73) IMPORTANT SECTIONS 00:00 - Repetition 00:44 - Laghw/Honorable Turning Away from Vain Things 03:52 - Why are we interested in vain things? 06:17 - Deeds that get you into Paradise and Hell the most 10:22 - Foolishness 11:48 - What goes beyond limits becomes aghaw 15:47 - A product of social engineering 20:44 - Shackle of Habit 23:39 - Honorable Turning Away #ramadan #HalisBayancuk #EbuHanzala #Tawhid