The movie revolves around the character Jason Bourne being found with gunshot wounds in the middle of the sea and being rescued, but he loses his memory and does not remember anything about his previous life and searches for his identity to know who he is, but within a framework of exciting events. Summary of the movie The Bourne Identity, Part One, starring the wonderful Matt Damon. Sima Ali Baba Channel, Sima Ali Baba Channel Movie Summaries, Sima Ali Baba Channel Movie Summaries, Sima Ali Baba Channel, Sima Ali Baba Channel, Sima Ali Baba Channel, Sima Ali Baba Channel, Sima Ali Baba Channel, Summarizes all movies, Horror movie summaries, Action movie summaries, Fantasy movie summaries, Science fiction movie summaries, Exclusive movie summaries #Movie_Summary #Movie_Summaries #Summary #film #movie #Explore