He Does Not Witness a Lie (Zur) Servants of the Most Merciful 7 Halis Bayancuk Hoca (Abu Hanzala) As can be seen, in order to “not bear witness to Zur”, the truth must first be recognized. Then, things that deviate/go astray from the truth must be identified and an effort must be made not to bear witness to them. For all of these, a believer must be alert with knowledge and consciousness. Because zur is updated in every century, while ignorance renews itself. If a believer is not alert with knowledge and consciousness against ignorance, he will be protected from the zur written in the books, but he can only bear witness to current zur. Based on the explanation we have given regarding the word zur and the views we have conveyed from the predecessors, let us ask: Are today’s national holidays, the content produced by the perverted media, the false cinema sector that plays with perceptions, advertisements that show consumer goods differently than they are, the ignorant agenda that manipulates societies… each a zur? So, are we among those who bear witness to these, or among the fortunate ones who do not bear witness? Another point that draws our attention in the verse is the sentence “not to bear witness”. The servants of the Most Merciful do not do what is bright, let alone bear witness to it. Witnessing can be understood as witnessing/watching something, or it can mean reporting something or conveying it to others. In other words, they do not commit falsehood, nor do they follow or convey falsehood. They know that man is not only responsible for his words and actions. Man is also responsible for what he follows or conveys: “Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge. For the ear, the eye, and the heart (for what it sees, hears, intends and resolves) are responsible for all of these.” (17/Isra, 36) Yes; the eye is responsible for what it sees, the ear for what it hears, and the heart for what it resolves. Seeing and hearing are also witnessing (in the sense of spectator and witness), every witnessing will be recorded and people will be held accountable for their witnessing: “…Their testimony will be recorded and they will be questioned (about it).”43/Az-Zukhruf, 19 IMPORTANT SECTIONS 00:00 - Repetition 03:31 - What is Zuur? 07:20 - What did the Companions say about 'Zur'? 13:46 - The festival of the polytheists 20:00 - Assemblies of disobedience 23:10 - The greatest sins #lie #ramadan #HalisBayancuk #EbuHanzala #Tawhid