This unusual documentary tells the fascinating story of six young men from Budapest and their adventurous journey through the 20th century. Each of them will change the world in the fight for freedom and independence - and for their beloved Europe. The documentary describes the life paths of the six geniuses with the great visions that have repeatedly interwoven history and fate in an impressive way. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any more videos: https://bit.ly/3t8O2cb They had to flee Europe; first from persecution in their homeland Hungary, then from the racial madness of the Nazi regime. They found refuge in the USA, but had no intention of quietly submitting to the barbarism that was spreading in Europe and beyond. When the USA was attacked at Pearl Harbor and thus drawn into World War II, they too went to war. Each in their own way, but all with the same goal, the same mission, the same enemy. #documentary #history #timelinegermany -- Topics in this video: ▼ 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:51 The Mission of the Geniuses 00:51:18 The Mission of the Geniuses 2 01:42:28 Outro -- Timeline Germany is your home for documentaries on the subject of history! Whether it's ancient times, the Middle Ages or the 20th century, you'll find the best history documentaries here. New documentaries in German are available four times a week. The content is licensed by the respective rights holder. ► Subscribe to our documentary channel: https://bit.ly/3pgYrPp ► Subscribe to our animal documentary channel: https://bit.ly/3w9exQC ► Subscribe to our reportage channel: https://bit.ly/3QDyabr ► Follow us on TikTok: / timeline.deutschland