He boasted of the mass death sentences and his longest trial lasted five minutes.. The State Security Butcher Fayez al-Nouri #Documentaries #Aram_Media A picture that smells of death of a butcher who has nothing left of his prestige, helpless, paralyzed, and outcast, wishing for death but not realizing it.. Fayez al-Nouri, the State Security Butcher who boasted of the mass death sentences he carried out and the judge who held the record for the shortest trials, the longest of which lasted five minutes, during which he put thousands of innocent people in prisons forever and transferred thousands more to mass graves. Fayez al-Nouri was known as Ibn Labuba in Deir ez-Zor, where he was born to an obscure family of unknown lineage, which attributed itself to the al-Ubaid family