After a few cancellations and a lot of friction on social media, the radio host and comedian arrived to resolve everything and make peace with Paulinha. In addition to giving the old guys a hard time, Diguinho Coruja came to talk about his successful career on The Noite, talk about political correctness and reveal the behind the scenes of Danilo Gentili's Talk Show on SBT. Watch Pânico in full: https://youtube.com/live/qSE0jJ1RCb8 Download the Panflix app: https://www.panflix.com.br/ Subscribe to our channel: / panicojovempan Visit our website: http://jovempan.com.br/ Facebook: / programapanico X (Twitter): https://x.com/programapanico/ Instagram: / programapanico TikTok: / programapanico Kwai: https://www.kwai.com/@jovempanentrete #Panico #JovemPan