The Silo series takes place in a dystopian future where humanity lives in a giant silo built underground. The surface of the world is considered poisonous and uninhabitable, so people live a life imprisoned in this silo under strict rules. The biggest ban is wanting to go out to the outside world. However, the dark secrets of the silo and the truth about the outside world slowly begin to be revealed. Juliette Nichols, one of the main characters, begins to investigate the secrets hidden by the management while working as an engineer in the depths of the silo. Former sheriff Holston begins his interrogations upon his wife's request to go out to the outside world, and this leads to a series of events that threaten the order in the silo. The series deals with themes of control, information manipulation, social inequality and the search for freedom. While the upper layers of society live a comfortable life, people in the lower layers struggle to survive in difficult conditions. The first season takes the audience on a gripping journey by focusing on the mysteries of the outside world of the silo and the characters' search for freedom. #Silo #Silo1.season #silo2 Join this channel to benefit from the privileges: / @umurtezer For Advertising, Sponsorship and Business meetings: [email protected]