The essential element for our healing is faith. It is not about having blind faith, we need to believe in God. Our trust in God is what will guarantee the miracle. Let us not focus on the miracle but on the God who performs the miracle. Before believing in the miracle we have to believe in the God who will perform the miracle. And perhaps this is where our problem lies. Our focus is on the miracle and not on God. Many of us do not believe in God as he really is, but rather we believe in the God that religion presents to us, or we believe in a God based on our experiences, or we believe in the God that the devil wants to show us. We constantly ask this question and today I want us to take it seriously: What is the God we believe in like? Having faith in God is believing that God is a healer, that he is all-powerful, that he is good, that he wants the best for us, that he answers our prayers or intervenes in our lives when we ask him to. It is also believing that he did not plan for a person to be born sick and to have to endure a poor or bitter life. Do we believe that God is good? Do we believe that God is Almighty? Sermon on October 24, 2012 at the Auditorium of the Church The Place of His Presence - Bogotá - Colombia by Andrés Corson. / corsonandrew If you want to know more about The Place of His Presence and His Presence visit our website http://www.supresencia.com and our official channel on youtube / supresencia . Facebook of The Place of His Presence: / el.lugar.de.su.presencia Facebook of the Praise Team: / ministerio.supresencia Twitter: @SuPresenciaIgle @SuPresencia Remember to use our hashtag for both Instagram and Twitter All the music of His Presence available on iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/artis... #SuPresencia