Sophie Jovillard discovers Corsica, this wild island, fiercely rooted in its traditions, with contrasting landscapes, between sea and mountains. The journalist has chosen to travel to the rhythm of the villages of Haute-Corse, a region that stands out for the richness of its cultures and agriculture: olive trees, vines, lemon trees, wheat. So many plants that have supported generations of Corsicans, leaving traces in the built heritage. Her beautiful escape begins in Pigna, where she meets Angélique and her family, their shared vegetable garden and their joy of living. Angélique guides her through her village, revealing its secrets and nooks and crannies. Sophie's journey is interspersed with reports on the specificities of the Isle of Beauty, such as attachment to family and summer reunions. Good addresses in Haute-Corse ???? Porto Vecchio Hatha Yoga School: Yoga Teacher Training in Corsica FFHY http://antenne-corse.ffhy.ff-hatha-yo... ???? Kayak and stand-up paddle rental Ghjunchitu Beach – Paillote U Sbirru Beach Reservations: 06 63 04 46 45 ???? Terra di Mamma, Massage practitioner training well-being: www.terradimamma.fr ???? Association Ventu Di Mare: http://www.ventudimare.org/ ???? Fit & Plus •Studio Pilates Balagne• ???? La Montagne des Orgues: http://elizabethpardon.hautetfort.com... ???? Summer of the Aria: L'Aria Corse https://www.ariacorse.net/fr/ ???? Camping A Casaiola: https://www.camping-acasaiola.com/ ???? Radio Voce Nustrale: Adecec Voce Nustrale https://www.voce.pro/ ???? Stand Up Paddle School – http://www.stand-up-paddle-surf-corsi... ???? JVB Surfs: JVB Surfboards http://www.jvb-surfboards.com/ ???? Bar le Z in Cervione : Le Z Cervioni / lezcervioni ???? Muntagna Bikes Balagna - Balagne Montagne Aventure: https://www.canyoningbalagne.fr/ ???? Le Delta du Fangu: http://www.delta-du-fangu.com/ ???? Restaurant Le Concept Boulevard Wilson 20260 Calvi 06 83 73 73 22 ???? Restaurant – Flea market “U Minellu” Crossing of the church 20260 Calvi Tel: 04 95 65 05 52 https://www.u-minellu.fr/ ???? Ile Rousse Nautical Club https://cnir25.wixsite.com/cn-ile-rousse ???? Restaurant - Hotel - Association LA CASA MUSICALE Tel: 04 95 61 77 31 https://www.casa-musicale.org/le-rest... ???? Restaurant Via Marine Le Resto 10 rue Joffre 20260 Calvi Tel: 04 95 46 00 04 ???? Restaurant A MORESCA Ld A Teppa 20220 Pigna Tel: 09 74 56 47 27 Open from April to October https://www.amoresca.fr/ ???? Hotel Restaurant “U Palazzu” 20220 Pigna Tel: 04 95 47 32 78 https://www.hotel-corse-palazzu.com/fr/ ???? Discover the artisan workshops of Pigna: Luthier Ugo Casalonga Casa-Liutaiu 20220 Pigna https://www.casa-liutaiu.com/ ???? ATRAVERRE glass roof Piazza a l'olmu 20220 Pigna https://www.atraverre.com/ ???? And many other artisan workshops: https://www.pigna.fr/artisans-et-comm... ???? Restaurant I Scalini --- Sant Antonino 20220 Sant Antonino Tel: 04 95 47 12 92 ???? Restaurant “Le But” Rue Soprano 20239 Murato Tel: 04 95 37 60 92 http://www.restaurant-lebut.fr/ ???? Traveling butcher Jean-Charles MARTINELLI and his sons Au Boeuf de Tradition Ceppe 20620 Biguglia Tel: 04 95 58 80 26 ???? Bar - Restaurant du Lac Ham Sidossi 20224 Calacuccia Tel: 09 70 35 75 45 / restaurant-du-lac... ???? Brasserie Acquaviva Calacuccia 20224 Calacuccia ???? Ranch Niolu A Cavallu Frascaghju 20224 Albertacce https://www.ranchunioluacavallu.fr/ ???? Hôtel Acquaviva Scardacciole 20224 Calacuccia Tel: 04 95 48 06 90 http://www.acquaviva-corse.fr/ ???? Cheeses from shepherd Jean-André SANTINI Hameau Orneto - Velone Orneto 20230 Velone Orneto Tel: 04 95 38 25 62 http://www.gustidicorsica.com/.../pro... ???? Restaurant “I Fuletti” Folelli - Route de la mer 20213 Penta di Casinca Tel: 04 95 34 06 67 https://www.instagram.com/ifuletti/?h...