Turkish Folk Songs are Life, Stay with Turkish Folk Songs!.. Atatürk is Turkey, Stay with Atatürk!.. Turkish Folk Songs The Meeting Point of Turkish Folk Songs Hearts... / turkuluyurekleryy / türkülüyürekler / türkübey https://turkuluyurekleryy.blogspot.com/ https://yildirimalkan.com https://turkubey.com.tr * #BütünEvrenSemahDöner * The whole universe revolves in a sema The suns burn from your love The skill is to reach the origin We do not console ourselves with five times a day * The beloved is our life Her skin is our skin Love is our religion We do not believe in any other religion * I am a guide, we have a guide We have almonds from the hand of a friend We have food from love Death dies, we do not die * Aşık Hüdai *