Translated into Kyrgyz by Ernis Kyaz Original source of the video: • Hasan Ali the devil within, Jinns amo... • Hasan Ali the devil within, Jinns amo... If you like what we are doing, if you want to be a partner in the rewards, If you want to support our project, you can support us by transferring money to our accounts, information about advertising is here: 01:32:47 Sberbank bank account: 2202 2032 8059 2124 M Bank 9417 6089 9500 4833 Demirbank card (Kyrgyzstan): 4215890138816092 "O" wallet +996 704 151177 "Elsom" +996 707 017059 ****************** ****************************** ALSO FROM THE TELEGRAM CHANNEL YOU CAN WATCH THE VIDEOS: https://t.me/jakshynyjaiyltaly_erniskyiaz ** Full and complete use of the VIDEO-TRANSLATION is prohibited, in case of written permission for use, the terms of publication must be agreed upon.