Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh May Allah SWT always bestow His mercy and guidance on faith and Islam. Speaker: Speaker: "Syeikfh Muhamad al Fuli" Video Clips: "All images or clips in this video are just illustrations, and have nothing to do with actual events." Title & Theme: Lecture Title and Theme: "BAI'at al Mahdi - The Appearance of Imam Mahdi and Characteristics According to the Hadith" Education: Educational Elements: This video was made with the aim of preaching, providing useful insights and knowledge so that we can understand, absorb and put it into practice according to their abilities and methods. increase knowledge about religion, which makes life more focused in accordance with the guidance and Shari'ah. Because seeking religious knowledge is an obligation, at least we have received additional knowledge and as a reminder to make our faith stronger. We, just as ordinary humans, are the place of error and sin, because truth belongs to Allah alone. Remember, remembering kindness is our goal in increasing faith and devotion to Allah SWT. And live life well, to welcome tomorrow and our provisions in the hereafter. Quotes: At least, if we cannot compete with pious people in increasing charity, then compete with sinners in improving ourselves. (Ustadz Adi Hidayat Lc.MA) Video Sharing: This video may be shared as a field of preaching and charity for all of us, and don't forget to include the Logo/Icon of the Repented servant and Ustadz as the speaker. This video contains licensed Clips. as a servant who repents and tries to live life above the truth according to the command of Allah and His Messenger. Because life is after Death comes and that is where the real and eternal life will begin in it. Wallahu a'lam bissowab