Harry Potter part1 Bande Rythmo 2 men Original version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TtXF... Hello my little wonders, it's Kisoha, today a video is coming out and yes again... Although some would like to see me either answer A: Dead; or answer, B: Dying or even, C: Doing absurd useless things, like twisting the knife in a skeleton's wound or even kissing up to a trunk man. I'm Here to play a dirty trick on you, the wind of stupidity leads me to think that I'm right not to believe anyone and to trust only my Einstein to prove myself and advance towards other places than the cooked circus of the world of the magpie popes. In any case I will be the best lion tamer, to be able to make them climb on top of each other and even set them on fire so that they pass through a hoop. These old, ill-trained geezers, not a thieving owl. I feel like I'm going to have a good laugh. Against all odds, I'll show my power to the outside world from outside what wood I'm made of. Wait for me in the friendship wagon, friends! Lambdaman's head in the clouds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / lambdamanyt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------