One of the most famous and beloved traditional dishes in Armenia is harisa, a porridge-like dish made from wheat and chicken. Recipe Cut the chicken, put it in a pan, add the wheat groats (dzavar), pour water to cover the contents of the pan by 4-5 cm and cook over low heat (do not stir!) When harisa is ready, you need to salt it and remove the bones. Serve with a piece of butter. Cook with love! Harisa is more than just a tasty dish. Harisa is often served during religious holidays and special occasions such as weddings, baptisms. Many Armenians consider it a symbol of unity and solidarity, for centuries it was prepared by our grandfathers, grandfathers of grandfathers and so on. In addition to its cultural significance, harisa is also known for its health benefits. Harisa is a unique and tasty dish that has its own strong and important place in Armenian cuisine. Due to its rich history and cultural significance, harissa has become a favorite dish of Armenians all over the world. #harissa #harissa #arisaotarusi #harissaotatarusi #cookingsecret #harissacookingsecret #harissacookingsecret #kurkut #kurkutotarusi #armeniandishes #armeniancuisine #armenianwoman #arusyakavkaz #aruskavkaz #cookwithlove #ancientarmeniandish #familytraditions #traditionsofthepeople #traditionsofthearmenianpeople #armenians #armeniandish #traditionaldish #porridge #armenianporridge