Happy Together is the title of a Greek comedy television series that was broadcast by Mega television receivers in the 2007–2009 season. The series is an adaptation based on the Spanish family comedy Los Serrano that aired from 2003 to 2008 on the Telecinco television network. The adaptation of the script was signed by Rena Rigas, while the direction was undertaken by Andreas Morfonios. It was a great success during its airing and since then it has been continuously re-aired by the station. The show follows the life of a widower with three sons when he decides to marry a divorced woman with two daughters and live together as a family. Starring: Yannis Bezos, Katerina Lechou, Dimitris Mavropoulos, Alexandra Pantelaki, Vivi Kokka, Tasos Giannopoulos, Petros Bousoulopoulos, Ioanna Pelichou, Thanasis Tsaltabasis