There are more and more singles in Germany. They often live alone, sometimes in a shared flat. Many of them are happy. They live as singles without a relationship and without using dating apps to look for a partner. For exactly, reporter Carmen Salas met three people who have been single for a long time but are not lonely. The report shows how they live happily alone without being lonely. 24-year-old Robin has never had a romantic relationship. Jana has been single for over 26 years. Monika has founded a shared flat and gives workshops to encourage other singles to live together. All three singles encounter many prejudices in everyday life. In the documentary, they talk about love, community, society and the so-called "generation incapable of relationships". A recent survey by MDRfragt* shows that two thirds of singles are happy with their way of life. But are singles perhaps desperate after all? Research is also looking into this question. In the documentary, psychologist Tita Gonzalez Avilés from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and sociologist Jan Eckhard from the University of Heidelberg explain why there are more and more singles and how contented their lives are. Many singles are not lonely or desperate. Not even on Valentine's Day. Being happy without a partner: This is also a political issue. The report shows the advantages and disadvantages of single life and also the strategies they develop for the difficult phases of life. The so-called community of responsibility should, for example, help to secure life models outside of marriage. Will there be good security for being alone in the future? (* More about MDRfragt's methodology at https://mdr.de/s/mdrfragtinfo) #Single #Documentary #Valentine's Day Author: Carmen Salas Camera, sound and editing: Torsten Backofen, Michael Damm, Dirk Meinhardt, Jörg Müller, Lino Hesper Editors: Katrin Hartig & Richard Schönjahn Producer: Marcus Wilhelm 00:00 Intro 01:14 Robin: Always single 04:07 Jana: Single since her illness 06:14 Psychologist: How happy are singles 07:33 More and more singles in Germany 09:07 Monika: Singles meeting and her shared apartment 13:44 Life models outside of marriage 14:40 Is the community of responsibility coming? 15:58 Singles: Protection for emergencies 16:48 Friends instead of partners 18:57 Prejudices against singles 19:37 Robin is moving 20:47 More and more singles Thumbnail photos: MDR & imago images/nongamt FURTHER LINKS AND SOURCES: Create a power of attorney and care directive: https://mdr.de/s/vorsorgevollmacht Federal Ministry of Justice: Power of attorney: https://mdr.de/s/vorsorgevollmachtbmj Patient directive at the Federal Ministry of Health: https://mdr.de/s/patientenverfuegungm... Coalition agreement of the traffic light government: Community of responsibility, p. 101: https://mdr.de/s/verantwortungsgemein... The new emergency representation law for spouses and life partners from January 1, 2023: https://mdr.de/s/notvertretungsrecht Singles in Germany at Statista: https://mdr.de/s/statistasingles Share of singles in the respective age group by gender in Germany (1900-2020): https://mdr.de/s/anteilledige Single-person households in Germany from 1991 - 2021 at Statista: https://mdr.de/s/statistaeinpersonenh... VIDEO TIP: Equal rights in contraception Documentary exactly: https://mdr.de/s/verhuetung https://www.mdr.de/investigativ/index...