Rabbi Fenger on WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/J2GIXL3QDULFC1 To purchase Rabbi Fenger's books: https://shops.hidabroot.org/items~10~... For workshops: https://pay.tranzila.com/fanger For partnership in the rabbim credit: https://pay.tranzila.com/olamot Follow on Instagram: / haravfanger Follow on Facebook: / fanger.harav Subscribe to the channel: / haravfangerolamotn Follow on TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSo1oFHw/ For all classes on the Anfim phone system: 0772222069 To book lectures, please contact the office by phone: 0722520540 weekdays between 10-13 or by email: [email protected] Thanks to Hila Aricha for editing the subtitles #Rabbi_Fenger #Personal_Training #Daily_Inspiration #Funny #Torah #Dialogue #Branch #Home_Peace #Coupleship #Faith #Shorts