A sixteen-year-old girl named Hanna grew up in northern Finland. Her father Eric was raising his daughter and Hanna has no idea what modern technology is, but she has survival skills and speaks many languages. But Eric has special plans for Hanna, she has to eliminate Marissa Wiegler, a CIA agent. Several years ago, Marissa was supposed to kill Eric, who betrayed the agency. Hanna manages to kill Marissa and escape, taking a secret file about her DNA. But the girl does not yet know that Marissa sent her double to this meeting, so she remained alive. Now Hanna needs to get to Berlin as soon as possible, where her father is waiting for her, but Marissa sends mercenaries after her. Year of production: 2010 Country: USA, UK, Germany Genre: action, thriller, drama, adventure Director: Joe Wright Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Cate Blanchett, Eric Bana, Tom Hollander, Olivia Williams, Jason Flemyng, Jessica Barden, Martin Wuttke, Aldo Maland, Vicky Krieps