The Fleet of Brave Prudence encountered Reach in the summer of 2552. Prior to their full-scale invasion, however, the Supreme Commander of the renowned fleet secretly sought out hidden treasure within the human colony. Devout Sentinels would delve deep behind enemy lines to unearth it, often coming face to face with members of Noble Team. As Reach fell, Noble and the Devout would wage a bloody war of attrition, each wiping their own members from existence. My twitter: /katarn343 My instagram: /nosoyespecial Become a member of the channel and support my content: https://www.youtube.com/@ikatarn343/join Segments: 0:00 - Introduction: The Elite Zealot 2:55 - The Fleet of the Brave Prudence 7:05 - Infiltration to Reach 11:44 - Searching for a clue 16:40 - Revenge of the Devout Sentinels 21:25 - Conclusion . . . Thanks for watching :)