“The demand for justice never becomes a social demand, it only becomes a demand of a certain segment. The system feeds off of this very thing in terms of oppression.” “A prosecutor in Van told me, I would like to debate with you about Mevlana. As a prosecutor, you cannot judge what I think about Mevlana. When you refer a matter that belongs to theology to the police, the situation takes on a completely different form. Because since the police have a hammer in their hands, they see every problem as a nail.” “The country is burning; hundreds of thousands of people are groaning in prisons; 77% of the people in the country do not trust the judiciary; the economic situation is obvious; people who earn a salary of 11,000 TL have been forced to pay 20,000 TL in rent. But a large segment, the segment that claims to believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment, are doing this just so they do not lose the “gains” they have made and say, “We are doing this for the benefit of Muslims.” "There are sheikhs, gavs, sadats, imams, sect elders... It never comes to Allah's turn."