*3:27 Surgery period 1 year *This post was written with the consent of a patient who underwent surgery (procedure) at New Hair Hair Plastic Surgery Clinic. Sufficient consultation with a specialist is the best way to prevent side effects, and temporary side effects such as pain, bleeding, folliculitis, and pigmentation may occur after the surgery (procedure), and bruising, swelling, etc. may vary depending on the individual. Are you looking into hair transplant surgery? ???? I will tell you all about the reasons why non-incision is more expensive than incision and the average price in today's video! Subscribe, like, and set notifications are a win-win! Tel. 02.557.2022 KakaoTalk ID @inewhair New Hair Clinic, Exit 12, Gangnam Station ▶ Real-time consultation https://pf.kakao.com/_BxdxlPxd ▶ New Hair Cafe https://cafe.naver.com/newhairlab ▶ Naver Blog https://blog.naver.com/newhair_blog ▶ Hair transplant/hairline/hair loss treatment Instagram / newhair_insta ▶ Scalp tattoo Instagram / newhair_smp ▶ If you would like to do content such as mergers or sponsorships, please contact [email protected] by email ~ . . . . . . . . . . #KimJinOh #NewHair #HairTransplant #Hairline #ScalpTattoo #HairLoseTreatment