The fourth and final episode of this season of Além das Sessões is now live. A project dedicated 100% to you who seek content related to mental health, who takes care of yourself and receives psychological support. In this episode, psychologists Andressa Carneiro CRP 03/13919, Raiza Nascimento CRP 03/18865 and nutritionist Luana Carvalho had a great chat about the importance of food and self-care for our mental health. In 2025, we will resume recordings, episodes and with many special guests so that you can be the great beneficiary of this project. If you feel like you need help, get in touch, schedule an appointment, we will be available to help you in your process of seeking well-being and quality of life. Follow us on social media: @andressacarneiro.psi @raizanascimento.psi @nutriluanafcarvalho Partnership: Sabor de Vó butter cookies. Follow us on social media and place orders. Phone: +55 71 99147-7163 @sabordevo_amanteigados