When Vincent Cleren built his sensational model railway in H0 gauge, four main themes were in the foreground: autumn weather, industry in the suburbs of large cities, scrap and cobblestones, and patina everywhere. The result is the model railway layout "21 Rue des Haies", a detailed industrial diorama inspired by the Parisian suburbs and their freight rail traffic in the 1960s. Vincent Cleren's H0 gauge layout covers an area of around 300 x 60 cm and is characterized by an industrial atmosphere. All of the buildings are self-built, with walls, facades, doors and gates, and window frames "really nicely" patinated with dirt. The industrial world in 1/87 scale is designed as a display or exhibition layout for model railway exhibitions, in which the background and side wall perspectives are rounded off by a series of house facades. The level of detail is really amazing: Autumn has arrived and the entire miniature world reflects this well, because the colors are wonderfully coordinated. Here and there, trees in their autumn dress and small, bare bushes are placed. On two levels, freight trains drive through the industrial diorama, but these are deliberately hidden by walls and bushes, which creates the appeal of wanting to look at the model layout from different perspectives. Pennula model railway videos https://www.pennula.com