First of all, thanks go to DOMINIKA ZAKA, who agreed to publish this cut version, and whose presence enhances the light of this excerpt! Please follow her on Facebook: / zakadominika and buy her books! ********** This material is an extract of a long round table discussion, which was prepared at the Gyüttmen Festival (Magfalva) in 2021. https://gyuttmentfestztival.hu/ Thank you to Marcsi Forrai and the entire Gyüttment team for the invitation! I am grateful for the recording to Gergő Nagy-Mélykúti, who, as a member of the mentioned farm eco-community, does a lot for the video presentations of Sustainable regression. You can find his YouTube channel here: / ecologicalfilms ********** I also warmly recommend the website of the Mindenegyüttmegy Egyesület for browsing: https://megyesulet.hu/ ********** If you like Tomi and Szilvi, who also live on the farm and belong to our community, you can find more information about them here (NEONHAL): https://neonhal.hu/ I recorded the song in this video with my phone in the summer of 2021 on the Community Grill Terrace of the Tulip Farm in Cegléd! I appreciate your consent to publish it! You can also find the Neonhal band here: / neonhalzenkar I'M ALREADY SUBSCRIBED! ********** Finally, I could write that if you make it this far, you get a beer, but I recommend a better one: SUBSCRIBE to my Sustainable Regression YouTube channel and help me by publishing this video on your social media page and your favorite professional to your groups! If you want to support me financially, you can do so by buying my books, which you can order at: [email protected]! ********** You can follow the life of the Tulip Farm in the channel's other videos. If you are also interested in everyday life on the farm, you can do so by joining the following group until Facebook takes it down. But I say in advance that the vigilant administrators will only let you in with a real professional image: / 298656543858154 This group is the only professional community of young people starting over on the farm! ********** It also occurred to me that there is a very good #podcast: Be happy! - listen too! #self-sufficiency, #self-maintenance #self-sufficient, #self-sustaining, #homestead, #community