There are 4 bells in the tower of the St. Martin Church in Gyöngyösfalu. All four bells hang on a raised yoke, ring with a tongue tie and a magnetic pull drive. Data: Large Bell (Great Lady of the Magyars bell) (cracked) Weight: 990 kg Lower diameter: 125.3 cm Casting data: 1904, János Thury and his son Ferenc, Budapest, 1645. Middle Bell (Virgin Mary bell) Weight: approx. 450 kg Lower diameter: 92.2 cm Casting data: 1990, Lajos Gombos, Őrbottyán Small Bell (Saint Joseph bell) Weight: approx. 250 kg Lower diameter: 78.5 cm Casting data: 1990, Lajos Gombos, Őrbottyán Soul Bell (Assumption Bell) Weight: 122 kg Lower diameter: 62.5 cm Casting data: 1948, Ráfael Szlezák, Rákospalota Their tones: d' - a' - h' - dis'' Thanks to parish priest Richárd Inzsöl for the permission and the access! ******* 0:00 Start 0:10 Assumption Bell 1:45 St. Joseph Bell 3:45 Virgin Mary Bell 5:45 Our Lady of Hungary Bell 8:20 Closing *******