Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. Congratulations on joining Gus Muwafiq's teaching channel, which is themed Sedulur Papat Limo Pancer, in reality the baby is born and there are 4 people accompanying it, namely, the two on the left are from the jinn, and the two on the right are from the angels. For the rest, please read the following words from Gus Muwafiq in the following video. Please continue to support this channel by LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE, don't forget to share and I hope you will add more words to your story. Thank you.! 🙏 Gus Muwafiq History of Java: • Gus Muwafiq ISRO MIROJ Video: • Video #gusmuwafiqterbaru2021 #sedulurpapatlimopancer #gusmuwafiq's sermon