#gusmuwaffiq #gusmuwafiqterbaru #gusmuwafiqterbaru2024 #khahmadmuwafiq #khahmadmuwafiqterbaru #khahmadmuwafiq2024 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, Muslim friends. May we all always be under the protection of Allah SWT and be facilitated in all our good life affairs. Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin. On this occasion, we can again present religious sermon content as usual, where on this occasion we try to present religious sermons or lectures from the honorable Father Kiyai Haji Ahmad Muwafiq or commonly called Gus Muwafiq, a famous kiyai from the Yogyakarta area. and this time the content is the content in a general religious study event or Akbar study in the framework of the great haul or Akbar haul of Sheikh Maulana Ibrahim Asmoroqondi in the village area of gesikharjo village, Palang Tuban. Sheikh Maulana Ibrahim Asmoroqondi himself is one of the oldest waliyullah in Indonesia who spread Islam on the island of Java. maybe that's enough of a little descriptive information that we can provide to all viewers.. NB: DON'T FORGET TO VISIT AND SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: ASMOROQONDI OFFICIAL / @asmoroqondi Channel that presents content about the world of religion (religion) and about the world of social society. and is the official channel of the Asmoroqondi Gesikharjo Palang Tuban Mosque Foundation.