Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, let's join the recitation that will be delivered by Our Teacher KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim (Gus Baha'), hopefully we can all understand, deepen and practice, and most importantly we can all get the blessing of knowledge from him... Aamiin... For the prayers and support for the development of this Channel, we express our gratitude... Barokallah... Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. #gusbahaudinnursalim #khbahauddinnursalim #gusbaha #gusbahaterbaru #gusbaha sermon #gusbahaterbaru pengajian #gusbaha2024 #gusbahaofficial #gusbahaterkini #gusbahastory #gusbaharembang #gusbahalucu #gusbahaterbaru2024 #ngaji #ngajigusbaha #ngajionline #ngajigusbahaterbaru #santrigusbaha #shohihbukhori #tafsirjalalain #islamic studies #alim #ulama #kyai #habib #habaib #gusbahdaily #ngajigusbahaterbarutoday #ngajigusbahalive #ngaji #ngajitogether #ngaos #ngajiilmu #ngajiislam #islam #youtube #amri83 #risadi #amririsadi