Today's study is about the correct way to pray according to Islamic jurisprudence, many scholars have different opinions, in this study Gus Baha explains in detail, for more details, watch the video until the end, if there are any wrong words or the contents of the video are not pleasing, we apologize GUS BAHA TODAY ‼️ STUDYING FIQIH, THE CORRECT WAY TO PRAY ⁉️DON'T LET IT BE IN VAIN #gusbaha #gusbahalive #ngajigusbaha #ngaji #gusbahalucu #gusbahaterbaru #vidioviral #khahmadbahaudinnursalim #gusbahak #pengajiangusbaha #ilmufiqih #kajiangusbahaterbaru #prayer #how #correct prayer @SANTRINGAJI215 #advice hopefully useful, respond wisely, always think positively, study together to gain knowledge wassalam