The specialty of Surah Al-Fatihah, Gus Baha's diploma, listen carefully to Gus Baha's explanation, hopefully it will be useful Gus Baha's diploma ‼️ The virtue of Surah Al-Fatihah ⁉️make it a talisman at home KH Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim al-Hafidz, the caretaker of the Izzatul Qur'an Islamic boarding school, Narukan Kragan, Rembang, is a Nahdlatul Ulama cleric and NU figure from Rembang. Kyai Baha' Nursalim Al-Hafizh is known as one of the scholars of interpretation who has deep knowledge about the Qur'an. Ustadz Baha is one of the students of the charismatic cleric, Syaikhina KH. Maimun Zubair. Birth: September 29, 1970 (age 53), Sarang District Spouse: Ning Winda (m. 2003) Siblings: Muhammad Firman, Zaimul Umam Nursalim, Abdul Khakim, others Parents: Nursalim al-Hafizh Yuchanidz Noersalim The title is taken from a video clip, it does not represent all of them, it would be nice to watch the video, let's study together and gain knowledge, YouTube channel: @RUANGDAKWAH82 Created to invite people to study together to learn about a better religion, Please support us by liking, subscribing and sharing as much as possible, hopefully it will be a field of charity for us Gus Baha, the latest Gus Baha, Gus Baha's study, Gus Baha without ads, KH Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim, Kyai Baha. Ustadz Baha, learning to recite the Koran, Gus Baha's routine recitation, Baha uddin Nursalim, jalalen book, learning the Koran, Gus Baha live, Gus Baha's latest recitation, Gus Baha's explanation, students recitation, tafsirbhadis, hadith of the Koran, Gus Baha translation, Islamic boarding school, Gus Baha's biography, Indonesian kyai, Mr. Bahak, Gus Baha's explanation, Gus Baha's book study, Gus Baha's diploma, learning dhikr, eating the Koran, Gus Baha debate, Islamic advice, the latest Gus Baha 2024, Gus Baha students, Gus Baha's practices, Gus Baha's scientific study, Gus Baha's prayers, Kyai Maimun, Maimun Zubair, Gus Baha's daily life, grand recitation, Gus Baha Gus Baha, Gus Baha lineage, Gus Baha vs. Habib, dhikr after prayer, meaning of dhikr, gus Baha's knowledge, learning tahajjud prayer, spiritual preaching, preaching space, gus baha diploma, diploma of al-fatihah letter #gusbaha #gusbahalive #gusbahalucu #gusbaha2023 #gusbaha2024 #gusbahak #gusbahaterbaru #ceramahgusbahaterbaru #gusbahastory Hopefully in the future we will be better