Hello everyone, I try to stick to the schedule and release videos at least once a month. The next video will be a review of the Jaguar, plus I will work on it and make some kind of cover) Thanks for watching and Happy New Year! TG channel - https://t.me/garfauwu Telegram to contact me - https://t.me/GarFaU Boost (if you super duper want to donate to me) - https://boosty.to/garfa My VKontakte - https://vk.com/mark2_good Public VK - https://vk.com/club228224134 Nuum (I don't keep it very active) - https://nuum.ru/channel/garfa TIMECODES: 00:00 Introduction 00:56 Unboxing 01:27 Effects review 04:01 Behind-the-scenes assessment 04:37 Connection to PC 05:15 Let's look at the inside 06:15 Conclusion + playing on the pedal