For more information on what you need to keep a guinea pig at home, read the description: Before choosing a guinea pig, first buy things and food for its maintenance. For one guinea pig, you will need the following at first: 1) A cage, about a meter wide 2) Guinea pig food, hay and fresh herbs (dill, parsley, lettuce) 3) A drinker 4) Hay bedding 5) Shelters (houses, tunnels, bridges, etc.) How to choose a guinea pig? 1) Decide on the gender. Female guinea pigs are usually calmer, and males are more active. 2) Inspect the skin. The pig should have good, shiny fur without bald spots. 3) Look at the condition of the paws. They should not be swollen, and the paw bones should be straight and without defects. 4) Pay attention to the auricles. They should be smooth and pleasant to the touch. There should be no scabs on the ears. 5) Look into the pig's eyes. There should be no discharge from the corners of the eyes. Conditions for keeping guinea pigs at home Guinea pigs are an unpretentious species, but they require attention. There are many breeds of guinea pigs, the most popular are American, rosette, teddy, Abyssinian and hairless guinea pigs, skinny. Guinea pigs are very friendly, and when kept in a group, they can have fun and jump. There is even such a thing as "popcorning", when they jump and squeal. If there are small children in the house, they need to be taught how to handle guinea pigs correctly. It is necessary to properly secure the animal so that the pig does not fall out of your hands, but do not squeeze or squeeze it - the animal does not like this. Guinea pigs are sociable animals and feel better in the company of other pigs. In nature, they often live together. Therefore, it is advisable not to keep a guinea pig alone, as this can affect its health. But there is a nuance. Guinea pigs are initially inclined to protect their territory from strangers. Therefore, the acquaintance procedure should be done gradually, introducing the pigs from a distance, keeping them close, but in different cages. This is described in great detail in the article on wikihow (https://clck.ru/FGUyY) What to feed a guinea pig? The basis of the diet must be hay - 70%. Grain feed - 25% and fresh herbs - 5%. Parsley, dill, and carrots are acceptable as part of fresh herbs. Cucumbers, grass from the street - are dangerous for the stomach. Incorrect selection of diet affects the condition of the teeth - the teeth are not worn down correctly. Rules and features of caring for guinea pigs. Self-examination Examine the skin. The coat is shiny, without bald spots. Look into the ears. There are no scabs on the ears, and they are smooth to the touch. Look into the eyes. There is no discharge in the corners of the eyes. If you notice that your guinea pig has not had a bowel movement (grains) for 12-24 hours, this is a bad sign. In a normal state, pigs regularly produce feces. If there is no feces, this is a problem. The intestines stop, gas formation increases, and because of this, the guinea pig may die. If this happens, do not delay, contact a veterinarian. You need to feel the area under the lower jaw. Very often, with dental diseases in guinea pigs, abscesses can form. The first symptom will be refusal to eat. You can take x-rays to assess the condition of the molars and incisors. How to trim a guinea pig's claws? Unkempt claws are a cause of pododermatitis, inflammation of the heels. If the limbs are positioned incorrectly, pododermatitis can develop - the skin between the toes becomes inflamed. To trim a guinea pig's claws, you need an assistant and claw nippers. The process itself is shown in the video. Guinea pig maintenance temperature This species comes from South America. Its habitat is the same as that of the chinchilla, the Andes mountains. Therefore, a comfortable temperature for a guinea pig will be in the range from 16 to 20 degrees. It is advisable to install an air conditioner in the room, since pigs do not tolerate heat well and can get heat stroke. It is also advisable to install a humidifier and maintain humidity in the region of 40-50%. This is especially true in winter, when the radiators are heated in apartments. How long does a guinea pig live at home? Guinea pigs live about 6 years at home. But proper care, timely examination and treatment, good food and a fun company can extend the life of a guinea pig for more than 10 years. The longevity record is 14 years and 10 months. Olga Kurbatova, a veterinary specialist at the VetDoctor clinic, spoke about the features of care and maintenance of a guinea pig. Yekaterinburg Veterinary clinic website: http://www.vetdoctor.ru/ #vetdoctor #veterinarianadvice #guineapig #guineapigcare #guineapigkeeping #whattofeedaguineapig #veterinarian #veterinaryclinic