After a disappointment, it was time for a coffee chat with Mrs. Lampe. You can see in this video what the consequences of this visit to a guinea pig emergency station were and whether a guinea pig from there might move to Fränki. How did you like the video? As always, I'm waiting for your comments and I'm happy about every like. LG Your Frank -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #guineapig #guineapigoffspring #guineapigbabies #babyguineapigs #guineapigbabies #animalbabies #guineapig #guineapigs #happyguineapigs #guineapiggroup #gardenenclosure #speciesappropriatekeepingofguineapigs #outdoorenclosure #rescuecenter #aheartforanimals #guineapigfosterhome #animalwelfare #animalsinneed #guineapigrescue #surprise #emotions #joy #Franconiananimalworld #animalrescue #animalslookingforahome #animal #guineapigkeeping #guineapigenclosure #speciesappropriatekeeping #guineapigs #outdoorenclosure #guineapigvideo #guineapiggroup #guineapiginfo #myguineapig