[About Onsen High School Girls] Onsen's image high school girls, Koko Hayashi and Mizuna Shirakawa, are taking on various projects sent in by viewers in this video program! [Synopsis] This time, for the 78th episode, we invited Yoshino Aoyama as a guest and played around with "I'll dedicate to you the proposal words I just thought of." How will Aoyama respond to the proposal from Onsen High School Girls...?! Email address is here ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ [email protected] We're looking for your thoughts and things you want us to do! Please send them to us! We look forward to your high ratings and channel subscriptions. [Twitter] Mizuna Shirakawa Twitter: @mizuna_Skawa [Illustration cooperation] Kina Kazuharu Twitter: / kazuharukina [Costume cooperation] Uniform specialty store CONOMI Harajuku store http://www.conomi.jp/ [Internet radio station <Onsen>] An internet radio company that distributes anime, voice actors, games, and more, one of the largest anime radio stations in Japan http://www.onsen.ag/