"Kan Kitchen" is a cooking show hosted by Kan aka GAMI. This time, we will be hosting a special episode of three episodes in which guests from various scenes will appear. The third and final guest will be taught directly by Superior Officer Yasuko! She will be trying to make Self-Defense Force curry! ---------------------------------------------------------- [Kan Kitchen LIVE Fes.] Kan Kitchen's LIVE Fes. will be held in Shinjuku for 2 days! Performers on 6/8: eyden, Elle Teresa, 漢 aka GAMI, COSA, CHICO CARLITO, DO, ralph Performers on 6/9: Elle Teresa, 漢 aka GAMI, Sound's Deli, Jinmenusagi, 7 ▽Tickets available on a first-come, first-served basishttps://w.pia.jp/t/kankitchen/ 【Kan Kitchen original goods on sale】 https://spaceshowerstore.com/shop/900083 【Official Instagram】 / kan_kitchen_sstv 【Official Twitter】 / kankitchen_sstv 【Program inquiries】 [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------- ◆Kan aka GAMI / Do it till I die • Kan aka GAMI / Do it till I die ◆Kan aka GAMI feat. RYKEY / Period. • Kan aka GAMI feat. RYKEY / Period. ◆Kan aka GAMI / Warunori Deki Matteru • Kan aka GAMI / Warunori Deki Matteru ◆Yasuko's Survival Report @Yasuko's Survival Report ---------------------------------------------------------- #KanKitchen #KanakaGAMI #Yasuko #Yes #Curry #Rap #HipHop #MCBattle