February 3, 2019 Seoul Gangseo Church Sunday Sermon Guarding the Heart (Exodus 7) Speaker: Pastor Jeong-guk Lee Video Source: Seoul Gangseo Church http://jbch.org: Official website of the Word of Life Mission https://cafe.naver.com/jbchorg: Official Naver Cafe of the Word of Life Mission http://cafe.daum.net/jbch: Official Daum Cafe of the Word of Life Mission https://cafe.naver.com/jbchtrue: Official Naver Cafe of Good Evidence https://blog.naver.com/lifeword01: Official Naver Blog of the Word of Life Mission http://blog.daum.net/lifeword01: Official Daum Blog of the Word of Life Mission For clear, high-definition settings, click the gear button and set it to 1080P. Thank you for watching.