Hi I'm Furkan, today we are continuing our GTA 5 mod introductions with the Peugeot 106 mod. If you want more videos like this, don't forget to like and comment. Enjoy watching!! Our sponsor ► Intel & Excalibur Perfect your gaming experience with the Intel processor-powered Excalibur computer. To access the products I use in the video and more ► https://www.casper.com.tr/ozellestir?... instagram oyun ► / furkanyamangaming twitch ► / furkan discord ► / discord to follow on instagram ► / furkanyamanhdd advertising & collaboration ► [email protected] Thank you very much for watching. I'm glad I have you! I would be very happy if you comment on your thoughts about the video. If you haven't subscribed to our channel yet, you can subscribe.