GS MOTORHOMES, headquartered in Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, at Rua Pastor Albert Schneider, 1171, Servidão Solano Cattoni, 173, Bairro Barra do Rio do Cerro, telephone (47) 3279-4818 or phone/Whatsapp (47) 99130-0403, made this assembly in VW Kombi, year 2012. At Expomotorhome, 2023, it was taken for sale, but the objective of the video was, above all, to remember that GS, makes assemblies in kombis and other vehicles, such as buses, minibuses, vans, etc; #gsmotorhomes #jaraguádosul #casassobrerodas #kombicasa #montagemdemotorhome #kombihome #motorhome #expomotorhome